Assembly service $29.99 for every order.


Delivery procedure

  •  After you place your order, a representative will contact you within 1 to 3 business days to book your delivery date or pickup date at the warehouse. We will contact you again on the date of your delivery to confirm your address and time frame. Currently, we have only two timeframes: 7 AM - 5 PM, and 3 PM - 8 PM. Your driver will call you one to two hours ahead before arrival. Due to the heavy traffic in Southern and Northern California, the delivery team may sometimes arrive outside of your delivery window. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
  • For Southern California Customers, all in-stock products will be delivered within 1 to 7 business days from the date of purchase during normal seasons. For Northern California orders, all in-stock products will be delivered within 7 to 14 business days from the date of purchase during normal seasons. Orders might become delayed during holiday seasons.
  • For customers from other U.S. States, your pallet(s) will be delivered by a freight company within 10 business days or sooner after pickup from our warehouse. Upon pickup from our warehouse, the freight company will provide us a tracking number for your pallet(s), and we will forward the information to you so you can track your order along the way.
  • All special orders or custom-made orders may take up from 4 to 12 weeks. Please call for more details. No cancellations for special orders and custom made orders. No Exceptions.
  • If you need to expedite an order, please email or call in for more information.
  • Customers are responsible for the measurements of items ordered. If products you ordered cannot be delivered to the designated location due to narrow doorways, staircases, or ceiling, a 25% re-stocking fee and a $79.99 return fee will apply to those items if they need to be transferred back to the warehouse. If you need assistance, please feel free to reach out to us.
  • Customers who pay with a debit or a credit must present the card that was used for the purchase and a matching government photo ID upon receipt. Your driver might take a photo of your ID for scam protection purposes.
  • If you must reschedule your delivery date, please feel free to reach out to our Customer Service team at [email protected] at least 48 hours before your scheduled delivery.
  • If your delivery was confirmed and loaded, and you can't receive your merchandise due to unplanned factors, we will assist you in rescheduling your shipment and the original delivery fee will apply again.

Delivery Information

  • $28.99, $59.99, $79.99, and $129.99 Flat Shipping rate for MOST California cities between San Diego to West Sacramento. Please enter a zip code at checkout for correct shipping rate. Some California cities are excluded. Please call in for more details if you have trouble processing your order. Thank you for your business and support.

For other states, please email the item number(s) of the product(s) you want to buy, your city, your state, your contact information, and we will email you back with the shipping quote. Thank you for your business and support.